Luna "Lagano" lyrics

Translation to:enit


Da istinu znasne bi to preboleone bi se kraj mene, sreconikad vise ni budio

Da istinu znamne bi to prebolelane bi se kraj tebe, sreconikad vise ni probudila

I lagano bitku gubimoi lagano padamo na dno

Ova svila pod nama, ovaj jastuk mirisniova srca u grudima znaju sveostajem a odlazim, odlazim a ostajemputujem a ne idem nikuda

Da oci govoresto moje usne ne smejuvideo bi da je nasa srecaodavno na prodaju

A vidim, ni tinisi nista hrabrijijer i tvoje srce krijetajnu o izdaji


If you really knewyou wouldn't get over ityou wouldn't beside me, hunever even wake up again

If I knew the truthI wouldn't get over itI wouldn't beside you hunever even wake up again

And slowly we are losing the battleand slowly we are hitting bottom

This silk under us, this smelly pillowthese hearts in chests, know it allI'm staying but leaving, leaving but stayingtraveling but not going anywhere

If eyes could speakwhat my lips are afraid toyou would see that our happinesshas, since long ago, been on sale

And I see, even youare not any braverbecause your heart also hidesa secret about betrayal

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Lagano by Luna. Or Lagano poem lyrics. Luna Lagano text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Lagano meaning.