Van Gogh "Sudjeno mi je" lyrics

Translation to:enru

Sudjeno mi je

Sudjeno mi je da živim na ovoj santi ledarazapet između tvog dobra i zlai šta me to sad od tihog besa mirii zašto me krivi kad pomislim

Ako me lomiš onda slomi meAko me voliš onda pusti meto duguješ i duguješ mi za sve

I šta me to sad od tihog besa mirii zašto se ljuti kad pomislimko ce mi tad suzom greh okupatikad prođe sve ako neceš ti

to suđeno je........

It's meant to be

It's meant to live on this ice rocktorn between your good and eviland what's pacifying me from silent angerand why is it blaming me when I think

If you're breaking me, then break meIf you love me, then leave meyou owe that to, and you owe me for everything

and what's pacifying me from silent angerand why is it mad when I thinkwho will wash my sin with tearif that's not you, when it's all gone

that's meant to be

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Sudjeno mi je by Van Gogh. Or Sudjeno mi je poem lyrics. Van Gogh Sudjeno mi je text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Sudjeno mi je meaning.