Van Gogh "Nek' te telo nosi" lyrics

Translation to:enru

Nek' te telo nosi

Ja večeras ovde biću samo vaš domačinIza mene su gospoda koja gruvaju začinBudite mi veseli i igrajte bosiJer kad krene ovaj ritam neka telo nosi.

Ref.:Noćas mi smo tu zbog vasDa na svaki vaš huk mi pravimo zvuk,Mi smo tu da tresemo gradZato nemoj da stanete,(nemoj) nemoj da stanete. (X2)

Ja nisam superstar, a ni dovoljno mlad(digni me, digni me)Al' mi nikad nije bilo bolje nego sad(digni me, digni me)Kad zajedno sa vama dižemo ruke(digni me, digni me)Mi putujemo muzikom od luke do luke(digni me, digni me) .

Skinite se goli,ma ništa to ne boliI neka glave ludečuju nas glas kako super će da bude.

Refren (x3

Let the body bear you

I'll be only your host tonightBehing me are gentlmen who are rocking spiceBe happy for me and play without shoesBecouse when this rhythm begin let your body wear you

Chorus:Tonight we are here only because of youFor every your voice to make soundWe are here to shake citySo don't stop(Don't) don't stop(X2)

I'm not superstar, and not enough young(Get me up, get me up)But I never felt better than now(get me up, get me up)When we raise our hands with you(get me up, get me up)We travel by music from port to port(get me up, get me up)

Get nakedIt doesn't hurt at allAnd let crazy heads hear our voice how super will it be

Chorus (X3)

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Nek' te telo nosi by Van Gogh. Or Nek' te telo nosi poem lyrics. Van Gogh Nek' te telo nosi text in English. Also can be known by title Nek te telo nosi (Van Gogh) text. This page also contains a translation, and Nek te telo nosi meaning.