Van Gogh "Spisak razloga" lyrics

Translation to:enptru

Spisak razloga

Bilo je dana kada videla nisipored mene svoje korakebilo je dana, ti si verovalada ja sam taj ko te najbolje zna

I tih dana sam te čuvaona golim leđima te nosiotelom od nevolja te braniodok ti si spavala ja sam plakao

Ref. 2xNisi ti dobra kol'ko loš sam janegde postoji spisak razlogada se osećam ko utešnanagrada za tvoje poraze

Bilo je dana kada video nisampored sebe tvoje korakeu oluji peščanog satami smo se polako gubili

I tih dana sam te čuvaona golim leđima te nosiotelom od nevolja te braniodok si ti spavala, ja sam plakao

List of reasons

There were days when you didn’t seeMy footsteps next to yours.There were days, you believedThat I was the one that knew you the best.

And those days I looked after you,Carried you on my bare back,With my own body protected you of troubles,While you were sleeping, I was crying.

Chorus 2xYou’re not as good as bad as I am,Somewhere out there is a list of reasonsWhy I feel like a consolation prizeFor your failures.

There were days when I didn’t seeYour footsteps next to mine.In the hourglass stormWe slowly lost ourselves.

And those days I looked after you,Carried you on my bare back,With my own body protected you of troubles,While you were sleeping, I was crying.

Chorus 2xYou’re not as good as bad as I am,Somewhere out there is a list of reasonsThat I feel like a consolation prizeFor your failures.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Spisak razloga by Van Gogh. Or Spisak razloga poem lyrics. Van Gogh Spisak razloga text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Spisak razloga meaning.