Van Gogh "Tragovi proslosti" lyrics

Translation to:enpt

Tragovi proslosti

Bez kraja put, na njemu sami dalje hocu da znamgdje vodi san, o, kakav dani dalje hocu da znam

Ref. 2xTragovi proslosti u meniu noci bez jutra

Zbog niskog neba povijam glavuavet slobode iz balkanskih sumana vratima raja savijam krilaBog i prosjak od rata do rata

Ref. 4x

Traces of the Past

I'm on an endless roadbut I still want to knowwhere this dream leads, oh, what a daybut I still want to know

[Chorus 2x]Traces of the past in mein the night without a dawn

Moving head-bent under the low skiesthe ghost of freedom from the Balkans' forestsI bend my wings at the heavens' doorGod and beggar from war to war

[Chorus 4x]

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Tragovi proslosti by Van Gogh. Or Tragovi proslosti poem lyrics. Van Gogh Tragovi proslosti text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Tragovi proslosti meaning.