Van Gogh "Delfin" lyrics

Translation to:enptru


Možda te sutra imati nećuAli danas te imam, za ceo život svoj.Više se nikad, nećemo stićiNismo jedno u kući ljubavi.

Molim, za toplinu,Sećanja vode sa dubokog dnaOd stida ti čuvaj je pod kožomZnaš da nema nikoga

Osim mene, ahaI milion tona teškog suncaOsim tebe i meneOva zemlja nema nikoga

Osim mene, ahaI milion tona teškog suncaOsim tebe i meneOva zemlja nema nikoga

Bojiš se da udahneš vetarSvaki uzlet je padPlašiš se kako se nikad nećemo stićiNismo jedno u ljubavi

Čuvaj, toplinuSećanja vode sa dubokog dnaOd stida ti čuvaj je pod kožomZnaš da nema nikoga

Osim mene, ahaI milion tona teškog suncaOsim tebe i meneOva zemlja nema nikoga

Osim mene, ahaI milion tona teškog suncaOsim tebe i meneOva zemlja nema nikoga, aha


Maybe I won't have you tomorrowbut I have you today, for whole my lifeWe'll never, won't arrivewe're not one in house of love

I pray, for warmthmemories come from deep downfrom shame you watch her under skinyou know there's no one

Beside me, ahaand million tons heavy sunbeside you and methis land has no one

beside me, ahaand million tons heavy sunbeside you and methis land has no one

you're afraid to breathe windevery flight is fallyou're afraid we'll never arrivewe're not one in love

Keep, warmthmemories come from deep downfrom shame watch it under skinyou know there's no one

beside me, ahaand million tons heavy sumbeside you and methis land has no one

beside me, ahaand million tons heavy sunbesides you and methis land has no one, aha

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Delfin by Van Gogh. Or Delfin poem lyrics. Van Gogh Delfin text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Delfin meaning.