Doris Dragovic "Oprosti mi" lyrics

Translation to:enplru

Oprosti mi

Znas da neću imat miradok te nazad ne vratimkog ću voljet srce biraa ja se prepustim

Kažeš spusti ključ i krenia život sam poklonilašto je to u svakoj ženida se nada do krajati znaš

Sve u meni još zadrhtikad me pogledašpamti sve što bilo jekad nas ceste razdvoje

Ref.Oprosti mioprosti mi za sveja ne mogu više s toboma bez tebe ne ide

Oprosti mioprosti mi za tošto je život menena tvoj put jednog dana doveooprosti mi

Forgive me

You know that i will not have peaceuntil i do not get you backwho i will love is up to my heartbut i surrender

You tell me to drop the key and gobut i gave life as a giftwhich is in every womanso they can hope to the endyou know

Everything inside of me still trembleswhen you look at mei remember everything we hadwhen our paths separated

Ref.Forgive meForgive me for all of itI can no longer be with youBut without you does't go either

Forgive meForgive me forlife, and that it hasonce, to your path ledFogive me

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Oprosti mi by Doris Dragovic. Or Oprosti mi poem lyrics. Doris Dragovic Oprosti mi text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Oprosti mi meaning.