Moulin Rouge! (OST) "Elephant Love Medley" lyrics

Translation to:bselfrhuittr

Elephant Love Medley

ChristianLove is a many, splended thingLove, lifts us up where we belongAll you need is love

SatinePlease, don't start that again

ChristianAll you need is love

SatineA girl has got to eat

ChristianAll you need is love

SatineOr she'll end up on the street

ChristianAll you need is love

SatineLove is just a game

ChristianI was made for loving you babyYou were made for loving me

SatineThe only way of loving me baby is to pay a lovely fee

ChristianJust one night give me just one night

SatineThere's no way'Cause you can't pay

ChristianIn the name of loveOne night in the name of love

SatineYou crazy fool, I won't give in to you

ChristianDon't, leave me this wayI can't survive without your sweet loveOh babyDon't leave me this way

SatineYou'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs

ChristianI look around me and I see, it isn't soOh no

SatineSome people want to fill the world, with silly love songs

ChristianWell what's wrong with thatI'd like to know'Cause here I go, again

Love lifts us up where we belongWhere eagles flyOn a mountain high

SatineLove makes us act like we are foolsThrow our lives away, for one happy day

ChristianWe could be heroes just for one day

SatineYou, you will be mean

ChristianNo I won't

SatineAnd I, I'll drink all the time

ChristianWe should be lovers

SatineWe can't do that

ChristianWe should be loversAnd that's a fact

SatineThough nothing, will keep us together

ChristianWe could steal time

BothJust for one dayWe could be heroes forever and everWe could be hereos, forever and everWe could be hereos

ChristianJust because I... will always love you

BothI can't help loving you

SatineHow wonderful life is, now you're in the world

Elephant Love Medley*

Kristijan:Ljubav je mnogo, sjajnih stvariLjubav, nas vodi tamo gdje pripadamoSve što trebaš je ljubav

Satin:Molim te, ne počinji to opet

Kristijan:Sve što trebaš je ljubav

Satine:Djevojka mora da jede

Kristijan:Sve što trebaš je ljubav

Satine:Ili će završiti na ulici

Kristijan:Sve što trebaš je ljubav

Satin:Ljubav je samo igra

Kristijan:Stvoren sam da te volim,dušo,Ti si stvorena da voliš mene

Satin:Jedini način da me se voli,dušo,Je da se plati krasna provizija

Kristijan:Samo jedna noć,daj mi samo jednu noć

Satin:Nema načinaJer ti to ne možeš platiti

Kristijan:U ime ljubavi,Jedna noć u ime ljubavi

Satin:Ti luda budalo,neću se zainteresirati za tebe ostaviti ovakoNe mogu da preživim bez tvoje slatke ljubaviOh, dušo,Nemoj me ostaviti ovako

Satin:Misliš da ljudima nije dostaSmiješnih (glupih,) ljubavnih pjesama

Kristijan:Ja gledam oko sebe i vidim, da bije tako,O, ne

Satin:Neki ljudi žele popuniti svijetSa smiješnim (glupim) ljubavnim pjesmama

Kristijan:Pa šta je loše s timVolio bih da znamJer evo idem, opet

Ljubav nas diže tamo gdje pripadamoGdje orlovi lete,Na planinskim visinama

Satin:Zbog ljubavi se ponašamo k'o budaleKroz naš život, za jedan sretan dan

Kristijan:Možemo biti junaci (heroji)

Satin:Ti,ti ćeš biti zloban

Kristijan:Ne, neću!

Satin:A ja... Ja ću piti svo vrijeme

Kristijan:Trebali bismo biti ljubavnici

Satin:To ne možemo napraviti

Kristijan:Trebali bismo biti ljubavniciI to je činjenica

Satin:Iako nas ništa neće spajati

Kristijan:Možemo ukrasti vrijeme

Skupa:Samo jedan danMožemo biti junaci (heroji),uvijek i zauvijekMožemo biti junaci (heroji),uvijek i zauvjiekMožemo biti junaci (heroji)

Kristijan:Jer ja...ću te uvijek voljeti

Skupa:Jer ne mogu si pomoći

Satin:Kako je divan život,kad si ti na svijetu

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Elephant Love Medley by Moulin Rouge! (OST). Or Elephant Love Medley poem lyrics. Moulin Rouge! (OST) Elephant Love Medley text.