Vicky Leandros "L'enfant au ballon" lyrics

Translation to:enfiroru

L'enfant au ballon

(Refrain : )Un enfant tenait un ballonEt dans ses yeux passait un rêveIl rêvait que son beau ballonl'emmenait jusqu'à l'horizon.

J'habit' en face de l'écoleAprès les cours, quand ils s'envolentLes oiseaux quittent leurs nidsquand les maîtres sont partis.


Si vous aviez vu son visagequand il racontait ses voyagesIl n'avait que des amisdans n'importe quel pays.

Si les gens tenaient un ballon,ils pourraient oublier leurs peinesUn peu de rêv' et d'illusionleur changerait leur horizon.

Moi, je tiens toujours un ballon,un ballon rouge qui m'entraineIl est au bout de l'horizon,beaucoup plus loin que ma chanson.

The Child With The Balloon

[Chorus]A child held a balloonAnd a dream passed into his eyesHe dreamt that his beautiful balloonWas carrying him into the horizon

I live in front of the schoolAfter their classes, when they fly awayThe birds leave their nestsWhennthe masters are gone


If only you had seen his faceWhen he told of his journeysHe had nothing but friendsIn every single country

If people held a balloon,They could forget their sorrowsSome dreams and illusionsCould change their horizon

I, I always hold a balloonA red balloon which carries me awayIt's at the edge of the horizon,Way farther than the end of my song

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song L'enfant au ballon by Vicky Leandros. Or L'enfant au ballon poem lyrics. Vicky Leandros L'enfant au ballon text in English. Also can be known by title Lenfant au ballon (Vicky Leandros) text. This page also contains a translation, and Lenfant au ballon meaning.