Silvio Rodríguez "La Gaviota" lyrics

Translation to:enfr

La Gaviota

Corrían los días de fines de guerraY había un soldado regresando intacto:Intacto del frío mortal de la tierra,Intacto de flores de horror en su cuarto.

Elevó los ojos, respiró profundo,La palabra cielo se hizo en su bocaY como si no hubiera más en el mundoPor el firmamento pasó una gaviota.

Gaviota, gaviota, vals del equilibrio,Cadencia increíble, llamada en el hombro.Gaviota, gaviota, blancura del lirio,Aire y bailarina, gaviota de asombro.

¿A dónde te marchas, canción de la brisa,Tan rápida, tan detenida,Disparo en la sien y metralla en la risa,Gaviota que pasa y se lleva la vida?

Corrían los días de fines de guerra,Pasó una gaviota volando, volandoLento, como un tiempo de amor que se cierra,Imperio de ala, de cielo y de cuándo.

Gaviota, gaviota, vals del equilibrio,Cadencia increíble, llamada en el hombro.Gaviota, gaviota, blancura del lirio,Aire y bailarina, gaviota de asombro.

Corrían los días de fines de guerra,Pasó una gaviota volandoY el que anduvo intacto rodó por la tierra:Huérfano, desnudo, herido, sangrando.

The Seagull

Those were the days of the end of the warAnd there was a soldier returning intact:Intact from the deadly cold of the earth,Intact from the flowers of horror in his room.

He raised his eyes, breathed deeply,The word "heaven" formed in his mouth.And as if there was nothing else in the world,Through the sky passed a seagull.

Seagull, seagull, waltz of balance,Incredible cadence called on the shoulder.Seagull, seagull, whiteness of a lily,Air and dancer, seagull of amazement.

Where are you going to, song of the breeze,So quick, so restrained,Shot in the head and shrapnel in the laughter,Seagull who passes by and takes life?

Those were the days of the end of the warA seagull passed by flying, flying,Slow, like a time of love that closes,Empire of wing, of sky and of when.

Seagull, seagull, waltz of balance,Incredible cadence called on the shoulder.Seagull, seagull, whiteness of a lily,Air and dancer, seagull of amazement.

Those were the days of the end of the war,A seagull passed by flyingAnd the one who was intact rolled around in the dirt:Orphaned, naked, wounded, bleeding.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song La Gaviota by Silvio Rodríguez. Or La Gaviota poem lyrics. Silvio Rodríguez La Gaviota text in English. This page also contains a translation, and La Gaviota meaning.