Nolwenn Leroy "Suite sud-armoricaine" lyrics

Translation to:enfrpt

Suite sud-armoricaine

E pardon Spezed e oan betUr plac'h yaouank am eus kavet

'Barzh ar park vras hon eus kousketUr verol bras am eus paket

D'an ospital on bet kasetWar an daol vras on bet lakaet

Ha ma lost bras 'zo bet troc'hetDre ar prenestr eo bet kaset

Ur meil ki-bleiz 'zo tremenetHa ma lost bras e-neus debret

Ha ma lost bras e-neus debretHag ar c'hi-bleiz a zo marvet

E pardon Spezed e oan betUr plac'h yaouank am eus kavet

Suite South Armoricaine

Pardon( a religious festival in Britain) of Spezet, I went

A young girl, I found

In a large field, we slept

The great pox, I caught

At the hospital, I was sent

On a large table, I was placed

And my big cock was cut

Through the window was thrown

A huge wolf dog rose

My big cock he ate

My big cock he ate

And dog-wolf is dead

Pardon of Spezet, I went

A young girl, I found

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Suite sud-armoricaine by Nolwenn Leroy. Or Suite sud-armoricaine poem lyrics. Nolwenn Leroy Suite sud-armoricaine text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Suite sud-armoricaine meaning.