Moana (OST) "Jaz sem Vaiana [I am Moana]" lyrics

Translation to:en

Jaz sem Vaiana [I am Moana]

Tala:Poznam dekletce z otokaDrugačna je kot vsiŽivi za ljudstvo in morjeVsem nam ponos prebudi

Morda se zdi, da izgubljašIn pot se zazdi porazZazri se vaseIn najdi svoj obraz

Življenje te bo spremeniloZ izkušnjami utrdiloNobena moč ne utiša,Srca, ki se tiho oglaša

In, če ti kdaj nežno šepneVaiana prisluhni miVaiana draga,Ali veš kdo sploh si

Vaiana:-Kdo sem?Sem le dekle, ki ljudi otok,A me glas morja budiIn vabi

Moj oče velik je vasi glavarSmo potomci popotnikovi,Ki so odšli v svet na glasMe vabi

Pripeljala sem nas vse do semIn odšla še daljeNaučila sem se že vse in večŠe me vabi

In ta klic meni znanLe prihaja od zunajV meni je,Kakor plimovanje

V srcu vedno nosila te bom,Da me spomnišKako lep bo,Našla bom pot

Jaz sem Vaiana!

I am Vaiana

Tala:I know a girl from the islandShe's different from everybodyShe lives for the people and the seaShe makes us all proud

It might seem as if you're losingAnd the way looks liek defeatLook insideAnd find yourself

Life is going to change youTo strengthen you with experiencesNo power can silenceYour heart that quietly speaks to you

And when it some time gently whispersVaiana, listen to meVaiana, my dear,Do you even know who you are?

Vaiana:-Who am I?I'm just the girl who loves the islandAnd the voice of the sea awakes meAnd calls me

My father is a great village chiefWe are descendants from voyagersWho went out into the world, and their voiceIs calling me

I've brought us all hereAnd I went even furtherI've already learned everything and moreIt still calls me

And this familiar callIsn't coming from outsideIt's inside meLike the tide

I'll always carry you in my heartTo remind meCome what mayI'll find the way

I am Vaiana!

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Jaz sem Vaiana [I am Moana] by Moana (OST). Or Jaz sem Vaiana [I am Moana] poem lyrics. Moana (OST) Jaz sem Vaiana [I am Moana] text in English. Also can be known by title Jaz sem Vaiana I am Moana (Moana OST) text. This page also contains a translation, and Jaz sem Vaiana I am Moana meaning.