making himself poor and good one
make himself poor till he will gain ability (means ; he is making himself poor man until he will be able to do things )
he thinks that he can control us (me)
make himself poor till he will gain ability
and he wants to drive us (me) by his mood
oh where is our (my) friend !
he is coming with a game to play it
but we ( i ) know all his divans (sheets) ... [ means : but i know all his games ]
wearing a faithfulness badge ( means : he is acting as a good man)
we ( i) know this cloth is not his cloth
like the one who asks for warmness
while he is above the fire and in the severe hotness
and still he didn't complete his games
while we ( i ) whitened his book (means: i discover him that he is not that good man even before he finishes his games )
and we ( i )understood all his plans
he is talking with calmness
to convince us (me) with his thoughts
he didn't bypass anyone in his path
like cinders hidden beneath fire
and while we are (i'm) in front of him
he acts intelligently
and we ( i ) know all his arts