Metallica "My Friend of Misery" lyrics

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My Friend of Misery

You just stood there screamingFearing no one was listening to youThey say the empty can rattles the mostThe sound of your voice must soothe youHearing only what you want to hearAnd knowing only what you've heardYou you're smothered in tragedyAnd you're out to save the world

MiseryYou insist that the weight of the worldShould be on your shouldersMiseryThere's much more to life than what you seeMy friend of misery

You still stood there screamingNo one caring about these words you tellMy friend before your voice is goneOne man's fun is another's hellThese times are sent to try men's soulsBut something's wrong with all you seeYou you'll take it on all yourselfRemember, misery loves company

MiseryYou insist that the weight of the worldShould be on your shouldersMiseryThere's much more to life than what you seeMy friend of miseryYou just stood there screamingMy friend of miseryMy friend of misery

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بیچارهتو اصرار داری که سنگینی دنیاباید روی دوش تو باشهبیچارهتو زندگی چیزایی بیشتر از اونچه تو می بینی وجود دارهدوست بیچاره منتو فقط آنجا ایستادی و فریاد می زنیدوست بیچاره مندوست بیچاره من

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Here one can find the lyrics of the song My Friend of Misery by Metallica. Or My Friend of Misery poem lyrics. Metallica My Friend of Misery text.