A Winter's Ball
BURRHow does a bastard, orphan, son of a whoreGo on and onGrow into more of a phenomenon?Watch this obnoxious, arrogant, loudmouth botherbe seated by the right hand of the fatherWashington hires Hamilton right on sight,but Hamilton's still wants to fight not write.Now Hamilton skill with a quill is undeniablebut what do we have in common? We'rereliable with the--
ALL MENladies!
BURRthere are so many to deflower!
ALL MENLadies!
BURRLooks! Proximity to power!
ALL MENLadies!
BURRThey delighted and distracted himMartha Washington named her feral tomcat after him!
HAMILTONThat's true
BURRA winter's ballAnd the Schuyler sisters are the envy of allif you could marry a sister, you're rich son
HAMILTONIs it a question of if, Burr, or which one?