William Shakespeare "Sonnet 25 Let those who are in favour with their stars" testo

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Sonnet 25 Let those who are in favour with their stars

Let those who are in favour with their starsOf public honour and proud titles boast,Whilst I, whom fortune of such triumph bars,Unlook'd for joy in that I honour most.Great princes' favourites their fair leaves spreadBut as the marigold at the sun's eye,And in themselves their pride lies buried,For at a frown they in their glory die.The painful warrior famoused for fight,After a thousand victories once foil'd,Is from the book of honour razed quite,And all the rest forgot for which he toil'd:Then happy I, that love and am belovedWhere I may not remove nor be removed.

Sipi XXV

'Akinaua 'oku loto taha mo honau kau ongo'ongoKo e poupou'aki 'a e fakalangilangi kakai mo e hingoa fakanofoHe 'oku ta'ofi au 'a e monu'ia ko iaTa'ekumi ki he nekeneka ko ia na'e faka'apa'apa lahi 'aupito.

Kau pilinise lalahi kuo folahi honau lau leleiKa hange ko e 'akau malikoula 'i he mata 'o e la'aTanu ia honau laukau kitaKae mate honau naanau 'iate he mata'ita.

Ko e tamatau mamahi kuo ongo'ongo 'i he tauHili ha 'ikuna toko ngeau na'e ta'ofi tuotahaKo ia mei he tohi 'o e kau faka'apa'apaPea ngalo 'a e toe na'e ngaue ia ai.

Ko au fiefia mo e si hoku 'ofa'A ia keu ta'aki pea ke 'oua ta'aki ha taha kiate au.

Qui è possibile trovare il testo della canzone Sonnet 25 Let those who are in favour with their stars di William Shakespeare. O il testo della poesie Sonnet 25 Let those who are in favour with their stars. William Shakespeare Sonnet 25 Let those who are in favour with their stars testo.