- Adoramus Te
- Agnus Dei
- Agnus Dei (Rey de Reyes Church version)
- All glory be to Christ
- All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
- All Through the Night
- Amazing Love
- And Can It Be
- Angels from the realms of glory
- Arise my soul arise
- Artigos da fé
- As We Now Take The Sacrament
- Aurora Lucis Rutilat
- Ave Maria
- Ave Maria Algueresa
- Ave Maria (The Hail Mary)
- Ave Maris Stella
- Ave Regina Caelorum
- Azbuchna molitva
- Behold the Lamb
- Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
- Blaženŭ mužŭ (Блажєнъ мȣжъ)
- By Grace I'm Saved
- Changez vos cœurs
- Children All Over The World
- Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
- Come People of The Risen King
- Come, Praise and Glorify
- Come Sound His Praise Abroad
- Come, Thou Fount of every blessing
- Come to the Feast
- Come Ye Sinners
- Confiteor
- Could Not Do Without Thee
- Credo (The Nicene Creed)
- Crown Him with Many Crowns
- Cum adpropinquaret Dominus
- Da ispravitsę molitva moę (Да исправитсѧ молитва моѧ)
- Deus ti salvet Maria
- Děva dnesǐ (Дѣва днєсь)
- Dies Iræ
- Doamne Iisuse Hristoase
- Emmanuel
- Every Promise
- Fairest Lord Jesus
- Fill Thou My Life
- Gaudete
- Gloria In Excelsis Deo
- God Made Low
- God Of Creation All Powerful
- God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray
- Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah
- Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah, O My Soul
- Hallelujah, What a Savior
- His Forever
- Hodie nobis coelorum
- Holy Holy Holy
- Hosanna
- How Deep the Father's Love for Us
- How Firm a Foundation
- How Rich A Treasure We Possess
- How Sweet and Aweful is the Place
- Iesu, Dulcis Memoria
- I Love Thy Kingdom Lord
- In Humility, Our Savior
- I Sing the Mighty Power of God
- I Will Praise Him Still
- Jesus Joy of the Highest Heaven
- Jesus shall reign
- Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
- Joy Has Dawned
- Lead On O King Eternal
- Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
- Like a River Glorious
- Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending
- Look Ye Saints, The Sight Is Glorious
- Magnificat
- Mama 'e su Nie
- Mamao ch’veno (მამაო ჩვენო)
- Maria Reina
- Miserere mei, Deus
- My God How Wonderful You Are
- My Heart Is Filled with Thankfulness
- My shepherd will supply my need
- My Song is Love Unknown
- Not In Me
- Nunc Sancte Nobis Spiritus
- O Church Arise
- O Come, All Ye Faithful
- O Come, O Come Emmanuel
- O for a thousand tongues to sing
- O Fount Of Love
- Of the Father's Love Begotten
- Oh how good it is
- O little town of Bethlehem
- O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
- On Jordan's Stormy Banks
- Ô preslavnagô čudese (Ѡ прєславнагѡ чȣдєсє)
- Oratio Fatimae
- O Sacred Head Now Wounded
- O, sanctissima
- Ô tebě raduetsę (Ѡ тєбѣ радȣєтсѧ)
- O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus (Ebenezer)
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
- Psalm 114
- Psalm 1 (O greatly blessed is the man)
- Psalm 46, "A Mighty Fortress in the Storm"
- Réquiem Ætérnam
- Rouanez an Arvor
- Salve Rainha
- Salve Regina
- Salvete Christi Vulnera
- Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
- See He comes
- See the Destined Day Arise
- See, what a morning
- Se ženixŭ grędetŭ vŭ polunošti (Сє жєнихъ грѧдєтъ въ полȣнощи)
- Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
- Still, still, still
- Světe tixìj (Свѣтє тихїй)
- Te lucis ante terminum
- The Church's One Foundation
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (23rd Psalm)
- The Lord Will Provide
- There is no sin I have done
- Thou Who Wast Rich Beyond All Splendor
- Tibya Ljublju, Moi Bog (Тебя люблю, мой Бог)
- Ţie, Maică-Ţi cer
- To God be the glory!
- Trust And Obey
- Veni, Creator Spiritus
- Veniţi norii de mulţime
- Voskresenìe Xrìstovo viděvše (Воскрєсєнїє Хрїстово видѣвшє)
- We Come, O Christ, to You
- We Look Behind at All You've Done
- We rest on Thee
- We Will Glorify
- What a Mighty Wonder
- What Child Is This?
- When Love Came Down to Earth
- When Trials Come
- Who Is This, So Weak and Helpless
- Xeruvimskaę pěsnĭ (Херȣвімскаѧ пѣснь)
- Xvalimŭ, blagoslovimŭ (Хвалимъ, благословимъ)
- Ἁγνὴ Παρθένε!
- Η Παρθένος σήμερον (Kontakion of Christmas)
- Θρῆνος Μ. Παρασκευῆς – Δευτέρα Στάσις
- ΟΙΚΟΙ: Ἀκροστιχίς: Κατ’ άλφάβητον
- Τὸ Σύμβολο τῆς Πίστεως
- Τρισάγιον (Trisagion)
- Алилуя
- Благословен си Господи
- Благослови душе моя Господа
- Бог с нами (God with Us)
- Величит душа Моя Господа
- Верую
- Воскресения день
- милосердный отец
- Отьчє нашь
- Помилуй Боже
- Рождество Христово, Кондак
- Старый Крест
- Тебе поем
- Тропар на Успение Богородично
- Христос Воскресе
- Я Вижу Иисуса
Christian Hymns & Songs
Género: Religious, Classical