Ieva Narkutė "Raudoni Vakarai" lyrics

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Raudoni Vakarai

Mano saujoj dūzgia bitės, tavo plaučiuose vanduo,Mano saujoj gesta rytas, liūdnas kaip kareivio šuo.Mano rankos žvyro pilnos, mala sniegą debesų,Verkia, rauda mano girnos, aš smingu tau ant pečių.

Aš atgulsiu, tu pareisi,Bus raudoni vakarai.Priešas trauksis, viskas keisis,Mano Lietuva bedale, ar bijai?

Pūgos kilo trečią kartą, krito bitės iš delnų,Gaudė, verkė miesto varpas, dingo broliai tarp miškų.Visą naktį skundės liepoms aimanuojantys beržai,Kraujo raudoniu užlieti mūsų pustuščiai namai.

Man atgulus nesugrįžaiKur raudoni vakarai.Tuščio kelio, tuščias kryžius.Mano Lietuva bedale, ar bijai?

Red Evenings

In my handful bees are humming, full of water is your lung,In my handful morning is fading, sad as a dog of a soldier.My hands are full of gravel, grind snow of clouds,My grindstones are crying, weeping, I souse on your shoulders.

I'll lay down*, you'll come backWill be red eveningsThe enemy will retreat, everything will change,Lithuania, my lack-all, are you afraid?

Snowstorms came on for the third time, bees felt from my handful,Bell of town droned, cried, brothers disappeared in forests.Moaning birches were complaining to the lindens all night long,Our half-empty home is drowned in the redness of blood.

When I laid down*, you didn't come backWhere the red evenings are.The empty cross of the empty road.Lithuania, my lack-all, are you afraid?

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Raudoni Vakarai by Ieva Narkutė. Or Raudoni Vakarai poem lyrics. Ieva Narkutė Raudoni Vakarai text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Raudoni Vakarai meaning.