Cargo "Clasa muncitoare" lyrics

Translation to:en

Clasa muncitoare

Zorii mocnesc dinspre noapte-n spre gri, ceasul e cinci jumatate.Stau pensionarii la coada.La colt se da astazi lapte.Ceru-i de plumb, ca privirile lor.Merg muncitori la uzina,Pasii li-s grei dupa cei patru's'cinci de ani de lumina.

Refren:Clasa muncitoare, mandra ca un soare,Mandra ca un munte de fier,Clasa ne-ndrumeaza si ne lumineaza,Glasu-i se inalta victorios pan' la cer.

La, la, la, ...Mare ca un munte de fier,Soare pe un munte de fier,Tare ca un munte de fier,


Working class

The dawning smoldering from the night to the gray, the clock is half past fivePensioners stand in line.At the corner, milk is given today.The leaden sky, as their glances.The factory workers are going to the factoryThe steps are heavy after the forty-five years of light.

Chorus:The working class, proud as a sun,Proud as an iron mountainThe class guides us and illuminates us,His voice rises victoriously up to the sky.

La, la, la, ...Great as an iron mountain,Sun on an iron mountain,Like an iron mountain,

Chorus ...

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Clasa muncitoare by Cargo. Or Clasa muncitoare poem lyrics. Cargo Clasa muncitoare text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Clasa muncitoare meaning.