Cargo "Doi pasi in urma ta" lyrics

Translation to:entr

Doi pasi in urma ta

I:Stau in urma trenului cu care vei plecaSi-mi pare rau.Cred ca-i semnul raului,Nici nu te-am sarutat. Tare mi-e greu...

Refren:Doi pasi nu sunt departe,Doi pasi, doi pasi in urma ta.

II:Stai sa mai vorbim putinSi sa ne amintim de prima zi.Vreau ochii sa ti-i zaresc,Sa pot sa iti soptescCa te iubesc.

III:Vad cum la geam iti aprinzi o tigara,Tragi doar un fum si-o strivesti.Mana prin par ti-o petreci intr-o doara,Ma uit la ceas si oftez...


Two steps behind

I:I'm following the train which you're going to leave onAnd I'm sorry.I think it's the sign of evil,I did not even kiss you. It is very hard for me ...

Chorus:Two steps.. I am not far,Two steps, two steps behind you.

II:Wait let's talk a little moreAnd let us remember the first day.I want to see your eyes,To be able to whisperThat I love you.

III:I see on the window how you light a cigarette,You draw just one smoke, and brag it out.Your hand runs thru your hair hastily,I look at watch and sigh ...

Chorus: ..

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Doi pasi in urma ta by Cargo. Or Doi pasi in urma ta poem lyrics. Cargo Doi pasi in urma ta text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Doi pasi in urma ta meaning.