Cargo "Baga-ti maintele in cap" lyrics

Translation to:en

Baga-ti maintele in cap

Nu sunt nebunAsta ti-o spunNu ma mintiiNu m-amagii

In camera stau si ma uit la TVCaut ceva, din pacate nu ieAprind o tiagara si o sting imediatStresul imi macina creieru-n capCreieru-n capCreieru-n cap

Deschid radiou sa ascult ceva bunDance si manele asta-i totu va spunIau un ziar si privesc peste foiPolitica, s*x totu e un gunoiE un gunoiE un gunoi

Nu sunt nebunAsta ti-o spunNu ma mintiiNu m-amagii

Stiri deprimante toate darile crescLumina, telegonu, gazu iarasi scumpescImi vine sa strig "Dracu sa va ia"Mai lasatima-n pace nebunia mea

Incerc sa ma culc mai devreme nu potVajaie capul, minciuni peste totLumea imi spune "Esti putin cam nebun"Doctoru-mi scrie retete duium

Mi-au jumate si ma-ntind pe canapeaStau linistit si beau in camera meaO voce-mi spune "Baga-ti maintele-n cap""Baga-ti maintele-n cap"

In cap, in cap, in capBaga-ti mintile-n capIn cap, in cap, in capBaga-ti mintile-n capIn cap, in cap, in capBaga-ti mintile-n capIn cap, in cap, in capBaga-ti mintile-n cap

In cap

Come to your senses

I am not crazyI tell that to youDon´t lie to meDon´t fool me

I stay in my room and I´m watching TVI´m lookin for something, unfortunatelly find it notI light up a cigarette and put it out immediatelyStress is grinding the brains in my headthe brains in my headthe brains in my head

I turn on the radio to listen to smth goodDance music and modern romanian gipsy songsthat´s all I´m telling youI pick up a newspaper and look over the pagesPolitics sucks everything is garbageeverything is garbageeverything is garbage

I am not crazyThat I´m telling to youDon´t lie to meDon´t fool me ( do not deceive me )

Depressing news all the taxes go upElectricity price, telephone, gas are rising againI feel like shouting: "to Hell with you all"Leave me be with my madness

I´m trying to go to sleep earlier and I can´tMy head is pounding, lies everywherePeople tell me: "You´re a little crazy"The doctor is prescribing me lots of drugs

I take half o f them and lay myself on the sofaI keep quiet and drink in my roomA voice is telling me:"Come to your senses""Come to your senses"to your sensesCome to your sensesto your sensesCome to your sensesto your sensesCome to your sensesto your senses"

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Baga-ti maintele in cap by Cargo. Or Baga-ti maintele in cap poem lyrics. Cargo Baga-ti maintele in cap text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Baga-ti maintele in cap meaning.