Tajči "Smokvica" lyrics

Translation to:en


Ti si moja ljubilića malenaja sam tvoja varalica šarenakad te vidim, ja na sve zaboravimali glumim kao da te ne vidimbaš si sladak, ne mogu odoljetimogla bih te pojesti

Sanjala sam da si me poljubioljuljala se cijela ulicai sto mogu kad bez tebe ne moguhajde, nisam vise curica

[Refren]Don Juan i Smokvica, to smo ti i jaljubili se, grlili, sve do pola dvaDon Juan i Smokvica, to su para dvaljubili se, grlili, sve do pola dva

Little Fig

You are my little sweetheartI'm your colorful cheaterWhen I see you, I forget about everythingBut I pretend not to see youYou're so sweet, I can't resist itI could eat you up

I dreamed you kissed meThe whole street was swingingAnd what can I do when I can't be without youCome on, I'm not a little girl anymore

[Chorus]Don Juan and a little fig - that's you and meWe kissed each other, hugged each other, till half past oneDon Juan and a little fig, it's two pairsKissed and hugged each other till half past one

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Smokvica by Tajči. Or Smokvica poem lyrics. Tajči Smokvica text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Smokvica meaning.