Tajči "Dvije Zvijezdice" lyrics

Translation to:enru

Dvije Zvijezdice

Ja sam samo tebe voljelasvjedok mi je cijela ulicamoje srce kuca za tebeal' samo bijele ptice dolaze

Tvoje ime je na mojim usnamapoljupce sam tvoje ukralai dok svira neka draga muzikasve što imam, samo tebi pripada

[Refren]S neba padaju dvije zvijezdicejedna za mene, druga za tebepreduga je noć što nas razdvajas drugom si ti, a s tobom sam ja

Ti si onaj dječak iz mog snapoljupce sam tvoje ukralai dok svira neka draga muzikasve što imam, samo tebi pripada

Two stars

I've loved only youmy witness is the whole streetMy heart is beating for youBut only white birds are coming

Your name is on my lipsI've stolen your kissesAnd while some nice music is playingEverything I have belongs only to you

[Chorus]Two stars are falling from the skyOne for me, one for youThe night that separates us is too longYou're with another, and I am with you.

You are that boy from my dreamI've stolen your kissesAnd while some lovely music is playingEverything I have belongs only to you

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Dvije Zvijezdice by Tajči. Or Dvije Zvijezdice poem lyrics. Tajči Dvije Zvijezdice text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Dvije Zvijezdice meaning.