Tajči "Milion godina" lyrics

Translation to:enruto

Milion godina

Ti i ja smo rođeni za svijet velikii nećemo živjeti bez ljubavi.Sve tajne svemira zbog nas postoje,ti samo budi tu kraj mene.

[Refren]Milion godina za tebe sunce sija,neka te čuva Bog i sila nebeska.Milion godina za nas sunce sijai za svaku od njih po jedna molitva

A Million Years

You and I were born for the big world,And we will not live without love.All the secrets of the Universe exist because of us,You just be here, by my side.

[Chorus]For a million years for you the sun shines,May protect you God and the power of heaven.For a million years for us the sun shines,And for each of them - one prayer.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Milion godina by Tajči. Or Milion godina poem lyrics. Tajči Milion godina text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Milion godina meaning.