Valentino "Ponekad noću dok spava grad" lyrics

Translation to:en

Ponekad noću dok spava grad

Ponekad nocu, dok spava gradti tiho plovis pod moje cebeu oku dragulj probudisi topal vjetar donosis

Ponekad nocu ne ide sana malo lane kraj mene cucii pita tiho, najtiseda l' smo isti k'o nekad pr'je

Ref. 2xA ja te volim najviseja te volim najludjemoje pjesme najljepsepisane su za tebe

Mirno spavaj, golubenebo sapce, ne boj setvoje usne kajsijene dam nikad nikome

I kad planeta zastanesvi polude i nekud zurebit' cu uvijek kraj tebedok nase suze postoje

Ref. 4x

Sometimes at night when the city sleeps

Sometimes at night, when the city's asleepYou quietly crawl (lit. sail) onder my blanketIn your eye awakes a precious stoneand you bring a warm wind with you

Sometimes at night the dream won't comeAnd a small lamb crawls next to meAnd asks (me) quietly, as quiet as possible'Are we the same as we once were?'

And I love you the mostI love you the craziest (also means the strongest)My most most beautiful songsAre written for you

Sleep peacefully, sweetheart (lit. dove)The sky whispers: 'don't be afraid'Your apricot (tasting) lipsI will never give to anyone else

And when the planet endsEveryone goes crazy and hurries somewhereI will always be near youWhile our tears keep on existing

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ponekad noću dok spava grad by Valentino. Or Ponekad noću dok spava grad poem lyrics. Valentino Ponekad noću dok spava grad text in English. Also can be known by title Ponekad nocu dok spava grad (Valentino) text. This page also contains a translation, and Ponekad nocu dok spava grad meaning.