Valentino "Samo Sklopi Okice" lyrics

Translation to:en

Samo Sklopi Okice

Noci su ovdje tako ledene,oci crvene od kosave,glava ko kocka leda putuje,ti znas, dobro znas volim te.Hiljade milja od tebe sam,djele nas granice, ratovi,a ja ne mogu da zaboravim,uzalud, uzalud volim te.

REF:Samo sklopi okice i zovi mi ime, zovi mi ime,jedan ce ludzak letjeti kroz planine, kroz planine.Samo sklopi okice i zovi mi ime, zovi mi ime,jedan ce ludzak letjeti kroz planine do tebe.

I bila jednom jedna jesen,lisce je saptalo sa stopama,magla me cuvala od pogleda,bojim se sjecanja.Noci su ovdje tako preduge,godine lijene ko stoljece,ja sklapam oci gledam jasnije,zvijezde plove tebi ljubavi.

REF: * 2

Just Close Your Eyes

Nights here are so coldeyes are red from squally windhead is travelling as an ice cubeyou know, you know well that I love youI am thousands of miles away from youwe're separated by borders, warsbut I can't forget youpointlessly, pointlessly I love you

Just close your eyes and call my name, call my namea madman will fly through mountains, through mountainsJust close your eyes and call my name, call my namea madman will fly through mountains to reach you

And once upon a time there was an autumnleaves were whispering with footstepsfog guarded me from looksI'm afraid of remembranceNights here are so too longYears are lazy as a centuryI'm closing my eyes and see clearerthe stars are sailing to you, my love

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Samo Sklopi Okice by Valentino. Or Samo Sklopi Okice poem lyrics. Valentino Samo Sklopi Okice text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Samo Sklopi Okice meaning.