Valentino "Bez tebe" lyrics

Translation to:en

Bez tebe

Ref.Bez tebe, moje su noci besanebez tebe, ove su ulice uskevolim te, djubre, volim te

Bez tebe, ja nisam isti vise nebez tebe, moje su pjesme bezvrijednevolim te, djubre, volim te

Tvoje su oci sasvim obicnetvoji su koraci bez proslostiusne kao djecije, plasljive crvene

Dok hodas ljudi se ne okrecusvaleri na te ne racunajuruke sitne, ohole, nikog ne vole


Mirisi, haljine i poklonileze uz mene uz pocastijedan krevet navik'o, navik'o na dvoje

Grad je raskosan u proljecezene su prelijepe dok prolazeali medju hiljadu ja te ne vidim



Without you

Ref.Without you, my nights are sleeplesswithout you, these streets are narrowI love you, you scum I love you

Without you, I am not the same, nowithout you, my songs are worthlessI love you, you scum I love you

Your eyes are simply planeyour steps without the pastlips like from a child, craven red

People don't turn when you walkyour lovers don't count on youyour hands are small, vain, don't love anyone


Smells, dresses and giftsare lying beside me with all honorsone bed, used on, used on two (people)

The town is ample in the springwomen are beautiful while walkingbut among thousand of them, I can't see you



Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Bez tebe by Valentino. Or Bez tebe poem lyrics. Valentino Bez tebe text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Bez tebe meaning.