Jennifer Peña "Ven A Mi" lyrics

Translation to:en

Ven A Mi

Ven a mi, baila conmigoBaila y baila mas cercaMas cerca de mi..........

Ven a mi, baila conmigoBaila y baila mas cercaMas cerca de miVen a mi, baila conmigoBaila y baila mas cercaMas cerca de mi

Dejame soñarDejame oldvidarCuando estoy contigoSiempre te de amar

Ven a mi, baila conmigoBaila y baila mas cercaMas cerca de mi,Junto a mi amor

Ven a mi, baila conmigoBaila y baila mas cercaMas cerca de miVen a mi, baila conmigoBaila y baila mas cercaMas cerca de mi

Dejame soñarDejame oldvidarCuando estoy contigoSiempre te de amar

Ven a mi, baila conmigoBaila y baila mas cercaMas cerca de mi,Junto a mi amorDejame soñarDejame oldvidarCuando estoy contigoSiempre te de amar

Ven a mi, baila conmigoBaila y baila mas cercaMas cerca de miJunto a mi amor.... Oh mi amor.....


come to me, dance with medance closer and closercloser to me...

come to me, dance with medance closer and closercloser to mecome to me, dance with medance closer and closercloser to me

let me dreamlet me forgetwhen I'm with youI will always love you

come to me, dance with medance closer and closercloser to menext to my love

come to me, dance with medance closer and closercloser to mecome to me, dance with medance closer and closercloser to me

let me dreamlet me forgetwhen I'm with youI will always love you

come to me, dance with medance closer and closercloser to menext to my love

come to me, dance with medance closer and closercloser to menext to my love...oh my love...

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ven A Mi by Jennifer Peña. Or Ven A Mi poem lyrics. Jennifer Peña Ven A Mi text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Ven A Mi meaning.