Tan Biónica "La Comunidad" lyrics

Translation to:enfr

La Comunidad

Esta es la comunidad, y es el grito de la ciudad.Chicos, chicas, vienen y van.Esta es la comunidad.

Si estamos de una, un eje para arrancar.Es importante que puedas aceptarQue estás planteando una problemática existencial,Que algunas noches me cuesta asimilar.

Prefiero que hoy evitaras cuestionar,No más estúpidos juicios de moral.Vení a engañarte con mi lógica falaz,Es divertido y parece racional.

Es una noche psicótica ligera,Tus amiguitas perdidas fantasmean,Y hay una en club que mira y tirotea.Son las primeras impresiones verdaderas.

Es una noche psicótica ligera,Y hay caminitos que persiguen a cualquiera.Mirá a esas chicas alcohólicas y reas,Son las primeras impresiones verdaderas.

El eterno retorno al centro de mi verdad,Es nada más que otra forma de ocultar.Ya soy esclavo de esta personalidad,Que es otra forma de clandestinidad.

La noche me llama para ver la muerte del sol,Es el idioma del deseo, corazón.Soy vulnerable a esta eterna tentación,Soy todo lo que describe esta canción.

Esta es la comunidad, y es el grito de la ciudad.

Es una noche psicótica ligera,Y hay caminitos que persiguen a cualquiera.Mirá a esas chicas alcohólicas y reas,Son las primeras impresiones verdaderas.

Tengo una noche psicótica ligera,Tus amiguitas perdidas fantasmean,Y hay una en club que mira y tirotea.Son las primeras impresiones verdaderas.

Es una noche psicótica ligera,Y hay caminitos que persiguen a cualquiera.Mirá a esas chicas alcohólicas y reas,Son las primeras impresiones verdaderas.

Tengo una noche psicótica ligera,Y hay caminitos que persiguen a cualquiera.Mirá a esas chicas alcohólicas y reas,Son las primeras impresiones verdaderas.

The Community

This is the community and it is the cry of the city!Boys, girls, come and go,This is the community!

If we're stuck, we need some common ground to start.It's important for you to be able to acceptThat you're presenting me with an existential problemThat is difficult to deal with, some nights.

I'd rather you avoid questioning anything today,No more stupid moral judgements.Come and delude yourself with my fallacious logic;It's funny and it looks completely rational.

It's a moderately psychotic night;Your little girlfriends, lost, walk about aimlesslyThough one of them, in the club, aims and shoots:These are the first true impressions.

It's a moderately psychotic nightAnd there are random little paths that follow everyone around.Look at those alcoholic and common-as-muck girls:These are the first true impressions.

The eternal way back to the center of my TruthIs just one more way of hiding.I'm already a slave of this personalityWhich is nothing more that another manifestation of clandestinity.

The night calls me, so we can watch the sun's death;It's the language of desire, my darling.I'm vulnerable to this eternal temptation:I'm everything that is described in this song.

This is the community and it is the cry of the city!

It's a moderately psychotic nightAnd there are random little paths that follow everyone around.Look at those alcoholic and common-as-muck girls:These are the first true impressions.

I'm having a moderately psychotic night;Your little girlfriends, lost, walk about aimlesslyThough one of them, in the club, aims and shoots:These are the first true impressions.

It's a moderately psychotic nightAnd there are random little paths that follow everyone around.Look at those alcoholic and common-as-muck girls:These are the first true impressions.

I'm having a moderately psychotic night;Your little girlfriends, lost, walk about aimlesslyThough one of them, in the club, aims and shoots:These are the first true impressions.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song La Comunidad by Tan Biónica. Or La Comunidad poem lyrics. Tan Biónica La Comunidad text in English. This page also contains a translation, and La Comunidad meaning.