Sven-Bertil Taube "Stranden" lyrics

Translation to:ensr


Vit som en duva låg havets strandOch allt var sol och kärlek alltTörsten brann som solens fackla brannMen havet var för salt

På stranden satt vi under sol och vindI sanden skrev vi hennes namnMen floden kom och havet smög sig inOch hennes namn försvann

Så vaknade vårt liv i kärleksbrandMen vi förstod vi hade felO soldröm, vinddröm, havsdröm, ni försvannMed er försvann vår själ

The shore

White like a pigeon laid the ocean shoreAnd everything was sun and loveMy thirst burned like the torch of the sun burnedBut the ocean was too salty

On the shore we sat under sun and windWe wrote her name in the sunBut the flood came and the ocean sneaked into the shoreAnd her name disappeared

And so our life woke up in a love fireBut we understood we were wrongOh sun dream, wind dream, ocean dream, you disappearedOur soul disappeared along with you

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Stranden by Sven-Bertil Taube. Or Stranden poem lyrics. Sven-Bertil Taube Stranden text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Stranden meaning.