Yolanda del Río "Hija de nadie" lyrics

Translation to:en

Hija de nadie

una copa con vino y veneno,por error criminal del destino,con los ojos vendados bevieron,dos que siempre se dieron cariño,solo asi encontrarian el remedio,que les diera la paz y el olvido

no sabian que ellos dos eran hermanosasta mucho despues querersecomo pocos del mundo se amaronporque fue su destino y su suertepara ya no seguir el pecadodecidieron el pacto de muerte

son culpables los padres mas cruelesque jamas merecieron ser hombrespa parar engañando mujeresy negando a sus hijos el nombreyo no entiendo porque no se muerenantes que hagan maldad y traiciones

yo tambien soy la hija de nadiesolo cuento con un apellidotengo que agradecerle a mi madrea mi padre ni lo he conocidocreo que debe de ser un cobardede los muchos que al mundo an venido

son culpables los padres mas cuelesque jamas merecieron ser hombrespa parar engañando mujeresy negando a sus hijos el nombreyo no entiendo porque no se muerenantes que hagan maldad y traisiones

Nobody´s daughter

one glass of wine and poisonBecause of a fatal errorWith covered eyes they were drinkingthe two who always loved each otheronly this way they could find the remedythat would give them peace and oblivion

they didn´t know that they were siblingslong before their lovethey loved each other like nobody elsebecause it was their destiny and fatenot to continue with the sinthey decided for the pact of death

the most cruel fathers are guiltywho never deserved to be human beingsfor cheating on womenand denying the name to their childrenI don´t understand why they hadn´t diedbefore they did that evil and betrayals

I´m that nobody´s daughter tooI only count on that namefor that I owe only to my motheri´ve never known my fatherI believe that he must be some kind of cowardlike so many other men who´ve come to this world

the most cruel fathers are guiltywho never deserved to be human beingsfor cheating on womenand denying the name to their childrenI don´t understand why they hadn´t diedbefore they did that evil and betrayals

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Hija de nadie by Yolanda del Río. Or Hija de nadie poem lyrics. Yolanda del Río Hija de nadie text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Hija de nadie meaning.