Tifa "Ponesi zastavu" lyrics

Translation to:enrusv

Ponesi zastavu

Ovdje se tuga širi k'o kugasamo sloboda donosi lijekdole niz Drinu dok ljudi ginudolazi sreća, ostat će zauvijek

I Bog je od nas digao rukesakrio put do mirne lukedok snovi plove, vatre još gorene razumijem, al' u ljubav vjerujem

Ref.Ponesi zastavu, pobjedu slavit ćuponesi zastavu od Bosne Vikićuponesi zastavu, pobjedu slavit ćuponesi zastavu Dragane Vikiću

I Bog je od nas digao rukesakrio put do mirne lukedok snovi plove, vatre još gorene razumijem, al' u ljubav vjerujem

Ref. 2x

Carry the Flag

Here sadness spreads like the plague,Only freedom brings medicine.Down by the Drina* whilst people die,Happiness is coming, and it will stay forever.

And god has given up on us.He has hidden the path to a safe haven.While our dreams fly, and the fire still burns,I'm not sure why, but I believe, my love.

Ref.Carry the Flag, and celebrate our victory.Carry the Flag of Bosnia, Vikic** .Carry the Flag, and celebrate our victory.Carry the Flag Dragan Vikic.

And god has given up on us.He has hidden the path to a safe haven.While our dreams fly, and the fire still burns,I'm not sure why, but I believe, my love.

Ref. (x2)Carry the Flag, and celebrate our victory.Carry the Flag of Bosnia, Vikic .Carry the Flag, and celebrate our victory.Carry the Flag Dragan Vikic.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ponesi zastavu by Tifa. Or Ponesi zastavu poem lyrics. Tifa Ponesi zastavu text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Ponesi zastavu meaning.