Tifa "Ne pitaj me" lyrics

Translation to:en

Ne pitaj me

Ne pitaj me cemu sjeta u osmjesima mojimKlovnovi kad placu, zvuci kao smijeh.Radosti sam davno prestao da brojim,Od kad vrlog sebe prod'o sam za grijeh.

Ne pitaj me kada cutim, osjecam li BogaGromovi kad zamru, nebo mirno spi.Nirvane na pretek al' sta imam od toga,Kad druzi mi nisu mastanje i sni.

Ne pitaj meNe pitaj meNe pitaj meReci cu sto cutim

Ne pitaj me cemu sjeta u pogledima mojimI kad sunce sija daljine su mrak.Sjecanja sam davno prestao da brojim.Vjetrovi su samo skovitlan zrak.

Ne pitaj me kada pricam, zelim li da kazemObmane su lijepim ucinile svijet.Sebe sam davno prestao da lazem,Istinu kad spoznas lakse ti je mrijet...

Ne pitaj meNe pitaj meNe pitaj meReci cu sto cutim

Don't Ask Me

Don't ask me what the gloominess in my smiles is about.Clowns when they cry, it sounds like laughter.I have long ceased to count happinesssince I sold my very self to the sin.

Don't ask me if I feel God when I'm silent.When thunders fade away, the sky sleeps in peace.Bliss is overflowing, but what do I have anywhen reveries and dreams are not my friends?

Don't ask me.Don't ask me.Don't ask me.I will say that I remain silent.

Don't ask me what the gloominess in my looks is about.Even when the sun is shining, places in the distance are in darkness.I have long ceased to count memories.Winds are only turbulent air.

Don't ask me if I want to say anything when I talk.Lies make the world beautiful.I have long ceased to lie to myself.When you know the truth, it's easier for you to die.

Don't ask me.Don't ask me.Don't ask me.I will say that I remain silent.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ne pitaj me by Tifa. Or Ne pitaj me poem lyrics. Tifa Ne pitaj me text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Ne pitaj me meaning.