Tifa "21 Vjek" lyrics

Translation to:enitptru

21 Vjek

ja savrseno zivim,u savrsenoj lazi,imam sve sto ima cjenu,al` srce svoje trazim.....dobro dosao u 21.vjek!

A gdje je ljubav,gdje ste je od moga oka sakrili?!A gdje su ti kovaci moje srece,zar ste zaspali?!ja nisam htjeo tako da se rodim,ja nisam htjeo ovo!lose mi je,pravite me ponovo!!!

ja savrseno vidim,u savrsenom mraku,kad ponestane mi sunca,daju ga na slamku......dobro dosao u 21.vjek!

A gdje je ljubav,gdje ste je od moga oka sakrili?!A gdje su ti kovaci moje srece,zar ste zaspali?!ja nisam htjeo tako da se rodim,ja nisam htjeo ovo!lose mi je,pravite me ponovo!

posaljite mi odgovor,da ne umrem u zabludi,sta cu ja na svetu ovomgdje ima srcamanje nego sto ima ljudi?!

Twenty First Century

I do live finished, in a finished lieI have everythig that has a price, but I search for your heart...welcome to the twenty first century!

And where is love,Where do you hide it from my eyes?Where are the forgers of my heart,Why did you sleep at all?I didn’t want to be born like that,I didn’t want it!It is too bad for me,Arrange me again!!!

I do live finished, in a finished darknessWhen I miss the sun, I have it by straw... Welcome to the twenty first century!

And where is love,Where do you hide it from my eyes?Where are the forgers of my heart,Why did you sleep at all?I didn’t want to be born like that,I didn’t want it!It is too bad for me,Arrange me again!!!

Send me an answerSo I won’t die on illusionWhat should I ask for in this worldIn which there is less heartsThan people?!

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song 21 Vjek by Tifa. Or 21 Vjek poem lyrics. Tifa 21 Vjek text in English. This page also contains a translation, and 21 Vjek meaning.