Vinko Coce "Ribari" lyrics

Translation to:enplru


Prije jutra ribari se budemore zna njih, more zna te ljude

Prije jutra u zorus galebima na moruna poštama sunce čekaju(2x)

Svako jutro parangale dižuvižitaju i vršu i mrižu

A galebi čekajuda i njima ča dajuu ribare oni viruju(2x)

Noć je mirna, vali spavajupod svitlom se ribe skupljaju

Špurtilon i ostimadobit će po kostimakad se smire, kad se pridaju(2x)

U dubini mriže parangalina pučini bile se sinjali

Tiho kraju veslajumalu barku gurajua ribara ruke izdaju(2x)

Prije jutra umoranribar čeka novi dan

Dok svi ljudi spavajugalebi se karaju


Before morning fishermen are awaken,the sea knows them, the sea knows those people

Before morning in the dawnout at sea with the seagullsthey are waiting the sun at the posts

Every morning they put up fishing linesthey keep an eye on traps and nets

And the seagulls are waitingso they'll give them something toothey trust in fishermen

The night is calm, waves are sleepingFish are gathering under the light

With nets and tridentsthey will catch the fishas they calm down, as they give up*

In the depths are nets and fishing linesOn the open sea lights are shining

They are rowing quietly towards the shorewardpushing the small boatfisherman's hands are too weak*

Before morning tiredfisherman waits for a new day

While everyone is sleepingseagulls are arguing

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ribari by Vinko Coce. Or Ribari poem lyrics. Vinko Coce Ribari text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Ribari meaning.