Milva "Er" lyrics

Translation to:en


ErDas war erIch bin mir ganz sicherSo was spürt man doch als FrauErDas war erOb er mich erkannt hat, weiß ich wirklich nicht genauErIch weiß nur, einmal mochte ich ihn sehrEr lief mir Anfangs sogar hinterherErDas war erHochgezog'ne SchulternEin verschlossenes GesichtErDas war erErst wollt' ich noch rufen,Doch dann traute ich mich nichtErDie Zeit mit ihm ist schon so lange herOb er für mich das Glück gewesen wär'?Er

ErDas war erDer, von dem ich glaubte,Dass mich keine Schwäche störtErDas war erDer, dem ich vertrauteDass er mir allein gehörtErEr machte mir das Leben ziemlich schwerDann sagte er zu mir: Ich will nicht mehrErErEr


HimThat was himI am sureYou can feel something like this as a womanHimThat was himIf he recognized me, I really don't know for sureHimI just know, I once liked him a lotHe even followed me at the beginningHimThat was himRaised shouldersA reserved faceHimThat was himAt first I wanted to call outBut then I didn't have the courageHimThe times with him were long agoWould he have been my happiness?Him

HimThat was himHe, of whom I though,That none of his weaknesses would bother meHimThat was himHe, who I trustedThat he was all mineHimHe was making life quite hard for meThen he told me: I don't want anymoreHimHimHim

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Er by Milva. Or Er poem lyrics. Milva Er text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Er meaning.