3ala el Baal
3ala el bal..kil el tafsil //on mind..all detailswa7la el tafasil//n swetestdetails
wel7il wiltir7al..welnar wilhil//...travelling, n fire n ...*
wl kamara ellinawarat lil..wara lil//n the moon which lighted night ..after night
wel nazra el maksora//n here is the broken look
welbasma el makhora //n here is the oppressed smile
welkhatwa el makhora//nhere is the wiseacre step
wa7la el mawawil//the sweetest songs
dayim 3albal//always on mind
madri ela el yoom ..wella el zaman ansak..ya 2albi 2albaha//i don't know till today ..or till life time i'd forget..o my heart is her heart
madri ela elyoom ..tawalha 3ala madnak..walla entaha 7obi//i don't know till now .....** or my love finished
ya kayid el reem ..zikrak ma ghayabat 3n khatri sa3a//...*** ur memories didn't absent from my mind hour
el ro7 lak ya sakin el ro7 naza3a//soul to you,o inhabitant of soul my spirit dispute***
mata el wasl kol ..bagik w asabik el sa3a//when is proximity tell me..i'll come to u n competes with hours (mean in no time)
kam shams ghabat wana ashofak//how many sun sets n i see u
shams el do7a elli tebadilni//forenoon sun who share me
w iza mana3 gitak khofak//n if ur fear prevent u from comingnorak fla ghab 3n 3ini//ur light hvn't been absent from my eyes
el 7ob tadri maho b2idi//u know love isn't with my hand
saidak trah el hawa w sidi//u see love is ur master n my
abik tebda mwa3idak//i want u start ur appointments
wella abda mawa3idi//