Aleksandr Pushkin "Роза" lyrics

Translation to:enpl


Где наша роза?Друзья мои!Увяла роза,Дитя зари!...Не говори:"Вот жизни младость", -Не повтори:"Так вянет радость", -В душе скажи:"Прости! жалею..." -И на лилеюНам укажи.


Where is our rose?O, friends of mine!The rose is wilted,Wilted is that child of dawn!...But do not say,"Such is life's youth",Do not repeat,"And so joy wilts",Let your soul say,"Forgive me! I grieve for it..."And to the lilyDirect our gazes.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Роза by Aleksandr Pushkin. Or Роза poem lyrics. Aleksandr Pushkin Роза text in English. Also can be known by title Roza (Aleksandr Pushkin) text. This page also contains a translation, and Roza meaning.