Alice in Chains "Sickman" lyrics

Translation to:sruk


What the hell am I?Thousand eyes, a flyLucky then I'd beIn one day deceased

Sickman, sickman, sickman

I can feel the wheel, but I can't steerWhen my thoughts become my biggest fear

Ah, what's the difference, I'll dieIn this sick world of mine

What the hell am I?Leper from insideInside wall of peaceDirty and diseased

Sickman, sickman, sickman, sickman

I can see the end is getting nearI won't rest until my head is clear

Ah, what's the difference, I'll dieIn this sick world of mine

Can you see the end?Choke on me my friendMust to drown these thoughtsPurity over rot

"Yeah, though I walk through the valley of rape and despairWith head high and eyes alertI tread on a plane of manyWe who are of good nature and intention,But cannot touch on the darkRecesses of memoryAnd pain learned, so come walkWith me, feel the pain,And release it..."

What the hell am I?Worn eroded prideSaddened 10 miles wideI'm gonna let it slide

Sickman, sickman, sickman, sickman

I can feel the wheel, but I can't steerWhen my thoughts become my biggest fearAh, what's the difference, I'll dieIn this sick world of mineAhh, etc., etc.


Sta sam kog djavola ja?Hiljade ociju, musicaI bio bih srecanKada bih jednoga dana bio pokojni

Bolesnik, bolesnik, bolesnik

Mogu da osetim kolo, ali ne mogu da kontrolisemKada moje misli postanu moj najveci strah

Ah, koja je razlika, umrecuU mom bolesnom svetu

Sta sam kog djavola ja?Gubavac iznutraUnutar zida miraPrljav i oboleo

Bolesnik, bolesnik, bolesnik, bolesnik

Mogu da vidim da se kraj priblizavaI necu se smiriti dok ne ocistim glavu

Ah, koja je razlika, umrecuU mom bolesnom svetu

Mozes li videti kraj?Ugusi se na meni, moj prijateljuMoram potopiti ove misliCistocu iznad truleza

''Da, iako hodam kroz dolinu silovanja i ocajaSa uradjenom glavom i opreznim ocimaGazim po podrucju mnogihMi koji smo dobre prirode i dobrih namera,Ne mozemo dotaci mracnoZabaceno udubljenje memorijeI nauceni bol, tako da dodji i setajSa mnom, oseti bol,I oslobodi ga...''

Sta sam kog djavola ja?Iznoseno erodirano postenjeZa 10 sirokih zalosnih miljaPusticu da to isklizne

Bolesnik, bolesnik, bolesnik, bolesnik

Mogu da osetim kolo, ali ne mogu da kontrolisemKada moje misli postanu moj najveci strahAh, koja je razlika, umrecuU mom bolesnom svetuAhh, itd., itd.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Sickman by Alice in Chains. Or Sickman poem lyrics. Alice in Chains Sickman text.