Eric Clapton "Lay down Sally" lyrics

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Lay down Sally

There is nothing that is wrongIn wanting you to stay here with me.I know you've got somewhere to go,But won't you make yourself at home and stay with me?And don't you ever leave.

Lay down, Sally, and rest you in my arms.Don't you think you want someone to talk to?Lay down, Sally, no need to leave so soon.I've been trying all night long just to talk to you.

The sun ain't nearly on the riseAnd we still got the moon and stars above.Underneath the velvet skies,Love is all that matters. Won't you stay with me?And don't you ever leave.


I long to see the morning lightColoring your face so dreamily.So don't you go and say goodbye,You can lay your worries down and stay with me.And don't you ever leave.

Lezi Sally

Nema ništa pogrešnogU tome što želim da ostaneš tu samnom.Znam da moraš negdje otići,Ali potrudi se i natjeraj sebe da ostaneš tu samnom.I nemoj nikada otići

Lezi Sally, i odmori se u mojim rukama.Zar ne misliš da želiš nekoga s kim možeš pričati?Lezi Sally, nema potrebe za tako brzim odlaskom.Ja sam se trudio cijelu noć samo da bi pričao sa tobom.

Zora je još uvijek daleko,I još uvijek imamo mjesec i zvijezde iznad nas.Pod baršunastim nebom,Ljubav je sve što je bitno. Hoćeš li ostati samnom?I nemoj nikada otići...

Ja jedva očekujem jutarnje sunceda obasja(oboja) tvoje lice.Tako da nemoj otići, nemoj govoriti doviđenja,Možeš sve svoje probleme odbaciti i leći samnom...I nemoj nikada otići.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Lay down Sally by Eric Clapton. Or Lay down Sally poem lyrics. Eric Clapton Lay down Sally text.