Joan Manuel Serrat "Ara que tinc vint anys" lyrics

Translation to:enfr

Ara que tinc vint anys

Ara que tinc vint anys,ara que encara tinc força,que no tinc l'ànima morta,i em sento bullir la sang.

Ara que em sento capaçde cantar si un altre canta.Avui que encara tinc veui encara puc creure en déus...

Vull cantar a les pedres, la terra, l'aigua,al blat i al camí, que vaig trepitjant.A la nit, al cel, a aquest mar tan nostre,i al vent que al matí ve a besar-me el rostre.

Vull alçar la veu, per una tempesta,per un raig de sol,o pel rossinyolque ha de cantar al vespre.

Ara que tinc vint anys,ara que encara tinc força,que no tinc l'ànima morta,i em sento bullir la sang.

Ara que tinc vint anys,avui que el cor se m'embala,per un moment d'estimar,o en veure un infant plorar...

Vull cantar a l'amor. Al primer. Al darrer.Al que et fa patir. Al que vius un dia.Vull plorar amb aquells que es troben tots sols,sense cap amor van passant pel món.

Vull alçar la veu, per cantar als homesque han nascut dempeus,que viuen dempeus,i que dempeus moren.

Vull i vull i vull cantar.Avui que encara tinc veu.Qui sap si podré demà.

Però avui només tinc vint anys.Avui encara tinc força,i no tinc l'ànima morta,i em sento bullir la sang...

Now that I'm twenty

Now that I'm twenty,now that I still have strength,and I don't have a lifeless soul,and I feel my blood boil.

Now I feel myself capableto sing another song.Now that I'm twentyand still can believe in gods…

I want to sing to the rocks, the earth, the water,the wheat and the path, that I go treading.To the night, the sky, to this sea so much ours,and to the wind that in the morning comes to kiss my face.

I want to raise my voice, for a storm,for a ray of the sun,or for the nightingalethat must sing to the late evening.

Now that I'm twenty,now that I still have strength,and I don't have a lifeless soul,and I feel my blood boil.

Now that I'm twenty,today my heart gets carried away,for a moment of love,or in seeing a child cry…

I want to sing to love. The first. The last.The one that makes you suffer. The one you live just a day.I want to cry with those who find themselves all alone,without any love they go passing through the world.

I want to raise my voice, to sing to the menthat were born on foot,that live on foot,and on foot they die.

I want, want, want to sing.Today that I still have my voice.Who knows if I will tomorrow.

But today I'm nothing more than twenty.Today that I still have strength,and I don't have a lifeless soul,and I feel my blood boil…

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ara que tinc vint anys by Joan Manuel Serrat. Or Ara que tinc vint anys poem lyrics. Joan Manuel Serrat Ara que tinc vint anys text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Ara que tinc vint anys meaning.