One OK Rock "Keep It Real" lyrics

Translation to:enhuru

Keep It Real

いつまで元気にされるの?世間体そうでなくても大人は勝手でくだらない大人達のヘリクツそんなヘリクツに俺ら興味無いニュース番組に出てるバカ教授エラそうな態度で俺らを批判狂った現象 this is 現状これも全部全て俺らのせい?


Keep it real 恐がらずに so 自分の気持ちに正直になる素直と直感さえあれば俺ら最強なんだからDream and hope それを見つけてやりたいように前に進めばいい気にすんな くだらない前評判と大人達の世間体

何をもって大人と言うのか?はたして俺ら子供なのか?自分の意思それを突き通す それがそんなイケナイ事なのか?ひょっとしたら君ら「子大人」?成りきれてないただの「小馬鹿」?どっちでもいいけど最後に言うけど こうなったのは君らのせい!


Keep it real 恐がらずに so 自分の気持ちに正直になる素直と直感さえあれば俺ら最強なんだからDream and hope それを見つけてやりたいように前に進めばいい気にすんな くだらない前評判と大人達の世間体

Oh... 言えよ つれーよ 期待されればされるほどOh... 言えば 恐えーよ さびしさでひねくれてく 故に孤独で

Keep it real 恐がらずに so 自分の気持ちに正直になる素直と直感さえあれば俺ら最強なんだからDream and hope それを見つけてやりたいように前に進めばいい気にすんな くだらない前評判と大人達の世間体

Keep It Real

How long will we be forced to be okay? SuperficialEven if we’re not, the adults get their wayWorthless adults’ ungrounded argumentsThey have no meaning for usA stupid professor appears on the newsCriticizes us with his arrogant attitudePissed phenomenon this is as of nowIs it also all of our fault?

Can’t be bound!

Keep it real without fear so that our feelings become honest’Cause only if we have obedience and intuition will we be the strongestLike you want to find your dream and hope, move forwardDon’t bother with meaningless judgments and adults’ superficiality

What even is an adult?Are we really just children?Are my pierced intentions part of those “don’t do that!” things?Are you guys by chance “child adults”?Those not cut down simply “fools”?Though it’s fine whatever we’re called in the end, but becoming shells is your all’s fault!

Can’t be caught!

Keep it real without fear so that our feelings become honest’Cause only if we have obedience and intuition will we be the strongestLike you want to find your dream and hope, move forwardDon’t bother with meaningless judgments and adults’ superficiality

Oh... say it, ta~ke it, we’re forced to anticipate as much as we’re forcedOh... say it, sca~red, we rebel through the loneliness so we’re alone

Keep it real without fear so that our feelings become honest’Cause only if we have obedience and intuition will we be the strongestLike you want to find your dream and hope, move forwardDon’t bother with meaningless judgments and adults’ superficiality

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Keep It Real by One OK Rock. Or Keep It Real poem lyrics. One OK Rock Keep It Real text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Keep It Real meaning.