Pink Floyd "The Trial" lyrics

Translation to:eleshrsrtr

The Trial

Good morning Worm your honourThe crown will plainly showThe prisoner who now stands before youWas caught red handed showing feelingsShowing feelings of an almost human natureThis will not do


I always said he'd come to no goodIn the end your honourIf they'd let me have my way I couldHave flayed him into shapeBut my hands were tiedThe bleeding hearts and artistsLet him get away with murderLet me hammer him today

Crazy toys in the attic I am crazyTruly gone fishingThey must have taken my marbles awayCrazy toys in the attic he is crazy

You little shit, you're in it nowI hope they throw away the keyYou should talked to me more oftenThan you did, but no you had toGo your own way. Have you broken any homes up lately?

"Just five minutes Worm your honour him and me alone"

BaaaaaabeCome to mother baby let me hold you in my armsM'Lord I never wanted him to get in any troubleWhy'd he ever have to leave meWorm your honour let me take him home

Crazy over the rainbow I am crazyBars in the windowThere must have been a door there in the wallWhen I came inCrazy over the rainbow he is crazy

The evidence before the court isIncontrovertible, there's no need forThe jury to retireIn all my years of judgingI have never heard before ofSome one more deservingThe full penalty of lawThe way you made them sufferYour exquisite wife and motherFills me with an urge to defecateSince my friend you have revealed your deepest fearI sentence you to be exposed before your peers

Tear down the wall


Dobro jutro časni crveKrunski svjedok će jasno pokazatiDa je zatvorenik što pred vama sada stojiUhvaćen na djelu u pokazivanju osjećajaPokazivanju osjećaja skoro ljudske prirodeTo tako neće moćiPozovite učitelja

Uvijek sam govorio da od njega nikad ništa neće dobro izaćiNa kraju vaša visosti da su mi dopustili doveo bih ga u redMogao sam ga uobličitiAli ruke su mi bile vezaneOsobe meka srca i umjetniciDali su da ne odgovara za ubojstvoDajte da ga danas prikucam

Lud, igračke na tavanu, ja sam ludTotalno sam poludioMora da su mi uzeli klikereLud, igračke na tavanu, on je lud

Govno jedno malo, sad si gotovNadam se će baciti ključTrebao si sa mnom pričati češće nego inačeAli ne, htio si ići svojim putemJesi li skoro rasturio neku kućuSamo pet minuta časni crvePustite me na samo s njime

Bebo dođi mami, daj da te drži u naručjuNikad nisam htjela da dođe u neprilikeZašto je uopće morao otići od meneČasni crve dajte da ga vodim kući

Lud, iznad duge ja sam ludRešetke na prozoruMora da su na zidu postojala vrataKad sam ušaoLud, preko duge on je lud

Dokazi iznijeti pred sudom neporecivi suNema potrebe da se porota povlačiU svim mojim godinama suđenjaNikad ranije nisam čuoZa nekoga tko zaslužuje punu zakonsku kaznuNačin na koji si natjeraoSvoju izuzetnu ženu i majku da pateTjera me da povratimAli moj prijatelju otkrio si svoj najdublji strahOsuđujem te da budeš izložen pred sebi jednakimaSRUŠITE ZID!

Here one can find the lyrics of the song The Trial by Pink Floyd. Or The Trial poem lyrics. Pink Floyd The Trial text.