Pink Floyd "The Post War Dream" lyrics

Translation to:elhrplrutr

The Post War Dream

[Car sound, switching on of car radio]“...announced plans to build a nuclear fallout shelter at Peterborough in Cambridgeshire...”[phzzt! of retuning]“...three High Court judges have cleared the way..."[phzzt!]“...It was announced today, that the replacement for the Atlantic Conveyor the container ship lost in the Falklands conflict would be built in Japan, a spokesman for...”[phzzt!]“...moving in. They say the Third World countries, like Bolivia, which produce the drug are suffering from rising violence...[fades]”

Tell me true, tell me why was Jesus crucified?Is it for this that daddy died?Was it you? Was it me?Did I watch too much T.V.?Is that a hint of accusation in your eyes?If it wasn't for the Nipsbeing so good at building ships,the yards would still be open on the Clyde.And it can't be much fun for thembeneath the rising sunwith all their kids committing suicide.What have we done, Maggie what have we done?What have we done to England?Should we shout, should we scream:“What happened to the post war dream?”Oh, Maggie, Maggie what have we done?

Poslijeratni san

[Zvuk auta, uključivanje radija]"...objavili su planove izgradnje skloništa nuklearnog otpada u Peterboroughu u Cambridgeshireu..."[phzzt!]"...Objavljeno je danas, da zamjena za kontejnerski brod Atlantic Conveyor izgubljen u Falklands sukobu će biti sagrađen u Japanu, govornik za..."[phzzt!]"...useljavanje. Kažu da zemlje trećeg svijeta, poput Bolivije, koje proizvode lijek pate od povećanja nasilja...[utišanje]"

Reci mi istinu, reci mi zašto je Isus razapet?Je li ovo zašto je tata umro?Jesi to bio ti? Jesam li bio ja?Jesam li gledao T.V. previše?Je li to nagovještaj optužbe u tvojim očima?Da nije bilo japanacakoji su toliko dobri u izgradnji brodova,dvorišta bi još bila otvorena na Clyde.I ne može biti mnogo zabavno za njihispod izlazećeg suncasa njihovom djecom počinjavajući samoubojstva.Što smo učinili, Maggie što smo učinili?Što smo učinili Engleskoj?Trebamo li vikati, trebamo li vrištati:"Što se dogodilo poslijeratnom snu?"Oh, Maggie, Maggie što smo učinili?

Here one can find the lyrics of the song The Post War Dream by Pink Floyd. Or The Post War Dream poem lyrics. Pink Floyd The Post War Dream text.