Blackmore's Night "Village lanterne" testo

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Village lanterne

Don't shed a tear for meI stand aloneThis path of destinyIs all my ownOnce in the hands of fateThere is no choiceAn echo on the windYou'll hear my voice...

Some choose to fall behindSome choose to leadSome choose a golden pathLaden with greedBut it’s the noble heartThat makes you strongAnd in that heart, I'm with you all along...

*The olde village lanterneIs calling me onwardLeading wherever I roamThe olde village lanterneA light in the darkBringing me closer to home...

So when you think of meDo so with prideHonor and braveryRuled by my sideAnd in your memoryI will remainI will forever be within the flame...

Now at the journey's endWe've traveled farAnd all we have to showAre battle scarsBut in the love we sharedWe will transcendAnd in that love, our journey never ends.

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