- A Sentimental Man
- As Long as You're Mine
- Dancing through life
- Dear Old Shiz
- Defying Gravity
- Der Zauberer Und Ich [The Wizard and I]
- De tovernaar en ik
- Die böse Hexe des Ostens [The Wicked Witch of the East]
- Dit ene moment
- Ein Seelenvoller Mann [A Sentimental Man]
- En contra de la gravedad [Defying Gravity]
- Finale (German) [Finale]
- Final (Spanish) [Finale]
- For Good
- Frei und Schwerelos [Defying Gravity]
- Gutes Tun [No Good Deed]
- Heißgeliebt [Popular]
- Ich Bin Es Nicht [I'm Not That Girl]
- Ich bin es nicht (Reprise) [I'm not that girl (Reprise)]
- Ik ben het niet
- Im guten alten Glizz [Dear Old Shiz]
- I'm Not That Girl
- I'm Not That Girl (Reprise)
- Intet godt kan man gøre [No Good Deed]
- Keiner Weint um Hexen [No one mourns the wicked]
- Maravilloso (Wonderful)
- Marsch der Hexenjäger [March of the Witch Hunters]
- Mientras Viva En Ti [As Long As you're Mine]
- Muere Un Ser Malvado (No One Mourns the Wicked)
- Neol Mannatkieh [For Good]
- Nichts ist mehr Geheuer [Something Bad]
- No Good Deed
- No Hay Bien [No Good Deed]
- Nur Ein Tag [One Short Day]
- One Short Day
- Popular
- Popular [Popular]
- Sal a bailar [Dancing through life]
- Solang Ich Dich Hab [As Long as You're Mine]
- Something Bad
- Tanz durch die Welt [Dancing through life]
- The Wizard And I
- 'T Is Nooit Goed [No Good Deed]
- Todo Bem Tem Seu Preço [No Good Deed]
- Voor Goed/Door Jou Allen [For Good]
- Was fühl ich in mir [What Is This Feeling?]
- Wat Voel Ik Nou Toch? [What is this Feeling?]
- What Is This Feeling?
- Wie Herrlich [Thank Goodness]
- Wie ich bin [For Good]
- Wundervoll [Wonderful]