Ramy Ayach "Bghanilha" paroles

Traduction vers:en


bghanilla we bde'ella we ghir bhebbek ma b'ellabhetta a rassy men foo oddam el alam kella*he means she'll be number one,my priorityi love her as much as the waves of the sea,the birds and it's songsas the bee loves the pollinate of the flower ,and the spring loves its breezi call her and the moon hides,cause she's the moon itselfshe always orders me and i'll do whatever she wantsit's not much that the lovers devote his life to his belovedno matter how much the path is difficult to be crossed,the love will enlighten his waysand the one i love is so pure and can't be let downthe light of my eyes,full of love,if she asked for my soul,i'd give her

Ici on peut trouver les paroles de la chanson Bghanilha de Ramy Ayach. Ou les paroles du poème Bghanilha. Ramy Ayach Bghanilha texte.