Timpuri Noi "Tata" lyrics

Translation to:en


Mi-aduc aminte acum de parca ar fi fost ca ieriSi primii pasi in viata atunci cand plangi cand ceriCu chipul lui sever si tonul vocii blandZicea "Barbatii nu plang", nu plangStiam sa trag la tinta si stiam sa patinezStiam sa mesteresc si stiam sa desenezMergeam pe bicicleta privind 'naintea meaIn spate era tata care tinea de sea

Refren:Uuuu, mama, atat de mult mi-e de dor de tataDe parca n-as sti cand mi-e dor, ca totu-i trecator x2

"Nu te juca cu aia, vezi ca nu-i bine asa""Ai grija cand treci strada sa te uiti in stanga ta""Cand mergem la padure am sa-ti fac, daca inveti, un arc cu sageti"(daca inveti, arc cu sageti)

As vrea si acuma tata sa ascult vorba taAs vrea si acuma tata sa mai spui cate cevaAs vrea si acuma tata cand gresesc sa ma certi si apoi sa ma ierti


Si-n sala toata plina numai de tineretIl vad cu parul alb la mine la concertPe drumul dinspre gara cand ma conduceaEl inca la chitara bucuros caraSi ne vedeam destul de des pe anTurnee erau multe si el venea cand concertamEl mai dadea si sfaturi spunea: "de amator","In tot ce canti baiete pune si putin folclor"Si il chemam sa vina cu mama de craciunSi asa incepea anul si anul era bunSi-l asteptam de pasti si atunci era frumosVedea crescand nepotii mari si era bucurosSi parca era vis ca tot se repetaLa fel se ducea anul, la fel anul veneaCand s-a-mplinit sorocul sa vina de craciunAtunci m-a chemat el sa-l duc pe cel din urma drumRefren

As vrea si acuma tata sa ascult vorba taAs vrea si acuma tata sa mai spui cate cevaAs vrea si acuma tata cand gresesc sa ma certi si apoi sa ma ierti



I remember now as If it would have been yesterdayAnd the first steps in life when you cry when you askWith his harsh face and gentle voiceHe used to say "Men don't cry", don't cryI knew to shot to the target, how to skateI knew to do craft works and i knew to drawI used to ride my bicycle looking in front of meBehind was father who was holding the saddle

Refren:uuuu, mother, I miss father so muchAs if i wouldn't know when I have a longing, cause everything is passing

"Don't play with that, it's not good like that""Watch out when u cross the street, look to your left"When we will go to the forest I will make you, if you learn, a bow with arrows"(if you learn, bow with arrows)

I would like even now father to listen your wordsI would like even now father to say some moreI would like even now father that you chide me and then forgive me when I do something wrong


And in the hall room filled with youthI see him with his white hair at my concertWhen he used to accompany me on the way towards the train stationHe used to carry even my guitar gladlyAnd use to see each other pretty often every yearThe tournaments were many and he used to come when I was performingHe would give me also some advices, as he said" "amateur ones""In all that you sing boy add a little folklore also"And i would call him to me on Christmas with momAnd that's how the year began and the year was goodAnd we'd wait him on Easter also, it was nice alsoHe would see his grandchildren growing up and he was happyAnd as if it was a dream, it kept happening again and againThe year passed like this, and it began the sameWhen the time came for him to come on ChristmasHe called me to go and accompany him on his last journeyRefren

I would like even now father to listen your wordsI would like even now father to say some moreI would like even now father that you chide me and then forgive me when I do something wrong


Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Tata by Timpuri Noi. Or Tata poem lyrics. Timpuri Noi Tata text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Tata meaning.