Timpuri Noi "Seară de mister" lyrics

Translation to:enfr

Seară de mister

Se lasă seară de mister,E lună plină sus pe cer,Vântul adie liniștit,Pe stradă totu-i adormit.

Poate că e cald, poate că e frig,Eu stau sub geamul tău.Pe-acoperiș încetișorAterizează câte-un nor.

Mystery nights

A mystery night falls,High in the sky, there's the full moon,The wind blows quietly,In the strreets, everything seems asleep.

Maybe it's hot, maybe it's cold,I stand underneath your window,On the roof,a cloud lands genly.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Seară de mister by Timpuri Noi. Or Seară de mister poem lyrics. Timpuri Noi Seară de mister text in English. Also can be known by title Seara de mister (Timpuri Noi) text. This page also contains a translation, and Seara de mister meaning.