Timpuri Noi "Maricica (NATO)" lyrics

Translation to:enfr

Maricica (NATO)

Maricica vrea să plece,Se desparte de bărbat,Că-i bea banii și-anii trece1,Și c-a cam2 slăbit la pat.

Sfatul satului se-adunăSă-l convingă pe bărbat,Ține1 toți la Maricica,El e greu de-nduplecat...pentru că...

Refren: (x2)

N-a to... NATO, n-a tolănit-o de-ajuns3,N-a tolănit-o de-ajuns.

Când a luat-o pe Mar'cicaDe la bărbatul cel dintâi,I-a tot promis marea cu sarea,Tot ce i-a promis uite că nu-i!

Așa că cică fără MariSe mulțumește și cu-atât.Ah, doar c-ar vrea s-o lase-n pace,C-a tras la ea cât a putut4.


Se-ntreabă, toți se-ntreabă:Ce-o avea cu dânsa? De ce n-o lasă și pe ea?Că umblă, are, și c-a mai avut cu carul,Și uite i-a lăsat, dar vrei să-ți spun ceva?(Nu.)


Maricica (NATO)

Maricica wants to leave,To get separed of her husband,Because he spends money and the years go by,And his performances in bed are going down.

The Village Counsil comes togetherTo convince the husband.They’re all supporting Maricica,He’s tough toBecause…

Chorus: (x2)

He didn’t... NATO didn’t make enough love to her,Didn’t make enough love to her,

When he kidnapped MaricicaAway from her first husbandHe promised her Heaven and Earth*,And look now there’s nothing of all he once promised!

So he says that without MariHe’s satisfied with what he’s got !Oh, how he would like it to be left in peace,Because he loved her as much as he could.

(Refrain:...)They wonder , they all wonder:What would he get with her? Why doesn’t he leave her?Because she’s unfaithful, and she’s had plenty of loversAnd look how she abandoned them all, but do you want me to tell you something ?(No.)(Chorus:..)

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Maricica (NATO) by Timpuri Noi. Or Maricica (NATO) poem lyrics. Timpuri Noi Maricica (NATO) text in English. Also can be known by title Maricica NATO (Timpuri Noi) text. This page also contains a translation, and Maricica NATO meaning.